EXPLANATION OF VOTE: Extension of Martial Law in Mindanao

EXPLANATION OF VOTE: Extension of Martial Law in Mindanao


Extension of Martial Law in Mindanao

12 December 2018


Honorable Win Gatchalian, Senator of the Republic, voting YES to the measure:

I voted yes to extend the declaration of Martial Law in Mindanao for another year because of the compelling reasons given by the Department of National Defense and the Armed Forces of the Philippines during the security briefing given to the senators last Monday. The reasons cited by the DND and the AFP, including the presence of 23 groups that support ISIS, composed of about 600 individuals who are associated with at least four bombings in Mindanao this year, have convinced me that the rebellion in Mindanao still continues and threatens to grow. Idagdag pa natin ang presence ng foreign fighters at ang separatists na gustong magtatag ng Wilayah sa Mindanao. I voted yes so that we can once and for all eliminate these threats para naman maging maayos ang simula ng bagong Bangsamoro region sa Mindanao.