
by Win Gatchalian on July, 11, 2020

To LGUs: Conduct blended learning dry run before classes open

Senator Win Gatchalian is urging local government units (LGUs) to initiate dry runs of their localized versions of the Department of Education’s (DepEd) ‘Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) with more than a month to go before classes reopen.

by Win Gatchalian on July, 9, 2020

COVID-19 threatens gender equality; interventions needed to keep girls in school

Following the release of an International Labour Organization (ILO) report on how the COVID-19 pandemic is disproportionately affecting young people, especially women, Senator Win Gatchalian says the Department of Education (DepEd) should have a targeted approach to prevent more girls from dropping out of school as we enter into the final stretch of enrollment.

by Win Gatchalian on July, 8, 2020

Train, hire K to 12 graduates as contact tracers

Senator Win Gatchalian is urging the government to train and hire K to 12 graduates to meet the country’s demands for contact tracers to fight COVID-19.

by Win Gatchalian on July, 2, 2020

To schools: Mobilize Child Protection Committees to combat student abuse

Senator Win Gatchalian is urging public and private basic education institutions to mobilize their Child Protection Committees (CPCs) against violence and abuse on learners.

by Win Gatchalian on June, 30, 2020

LGUs urged to help DepEd localize, roll out Learning Continuity Plan

Senator Win Gatchalian is urging local government units (LGUs) to help the Department of Education (DepEd) in localizing the Learning Continuity Plan (LCP), a move that he says would respond to the specific needs and concerns of learners, parents, and teachers when classes reopen.

by Win Gatchalian on June, 29, 2020

Oversight review of Teacher Education Council needed

Senator Win Gatchalian is eyeing an oversight review on the challenges hounding the Teacher Education Council in improving the quality of the country’s teachers.

by Win Gatchalian on June, 27, 2020

Support for parents needed in ‘new normal education’

As the country's basic education system transitions to the new normal, Senator Win Gatchalian eyes increased support to parents and guardians as they take on increased roles in the continuity of learning amid the threat of COVID-19.

by Win Gatchalian on June, 26, 2020

GMRC and Values Education now a law

Senator Win Gatchalian hailed President Rodrigo Duterte’s signing of the “GMRC and Values Education Act,” which will institutionalize the teaching of both Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC) and Values Education in the K to 12 curriculum.

by Win Gatchalian on June, 20, 2020

Adequate WASH facilities needed before physical classes resume

Though the Department of Education (DepEd) is postponing face-to-face classes until a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, Senator Win Gatchalian is urging the department to fast-track the installation of water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities (WASH) in public elementary and secondary schools where they are not yet available.