
by Win Gatchalian on May, 4, 2021

Higher education budget for 2022 needed to recover from impact of COVID-19

Senator Win Gatchalian bats for the allocation of up to 6% of gross domestic product (GDP) for the overall budget of the education sector next year, the recommendation by the United Nations (UN) under the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), to help spur the sector’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

by Win Gatchalian on May, 3, 2021

On K-12 curriculum review: Address issues on mother tongue, ‘spiral progression approach’

While the Department of Education (DepEd) continues to review the basic education curriculum for 2022, Senator Win Gatchalian pointed out the need to address concerns on the implementation of the “spiral progression approach” and the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) policies mandated by the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 or the K to 12 Law (Republic Act No. 10533).

by Win Gatchalian on May, 2, 2021

Bridge distance learning inequalities; difficulty in answering modules concerning

In addressing the challenges of distance learning and fostering recovery for the country’s basic education sector, Senator Win Gatchalian pressed the need to bridge inequalities and ensure equitable learning for the country’s K to 12 learners.

by Win Gatchalian on April, 25, 2021

Distance learning woes highlight digital divide

A new poll on distance learning woes reveals how the digital divide hounds parents and learners nationwide amid the COVID-19 pandemic. For Senator Win Gatchalian, the basic education sector’s recovery should accelerate efforts in expanding access to both internet connectivity and gadgets for learning.

by Win Gatchalian on April, 23, 2021

Stronger child protection programs needed amid reports of sexual harassment in FEU High School

Senator Win Gatchalian condemned reports of sexual harassment involving faculty members of the Far Eastern University High School which went viral on social media platforms. Some students recently shared via Twitter their recollection of how they were sexually harassed by some of their male teachers before the pandemic.

by Win Gatchalian on April, 21, 2021

On schools as isolation facilities: Build more quarantine centers, field hospitals

While there are more than a thousand public schools currently serving as isolation facilities, Senator Win Gatchalian urged the national government to accelerate the construction of quarantine centers and field hospitals to ease the burden on the country’s health care system.

by Win Gatchalian on April, 14, 2021

Uphold teachers’ welfare after deaths of DepEd personnel

Following the deaths of five Department of Education (DepEd) personnel in Isabela and the continued spike of COVID-19 cases in the country, Senator Win Gatchalian is urging the government anew, including the education department, to uphold the welfare of teachers.

by Win Gatchalian on April, 12, 2021

With nationwide academic break, poor learners will be left behind

A nationwide academic break? Senator Win Gatchalian disagrees, while maintaining that the decision to implement an academic break should be left to basic education and higher education institutions.

by Win Gatchalian on April, 9, 2021

Tax exemption of teachers’ election honoraria needed ahead of 2022 polls

More than a year ahead of the 2022 polls, Senator Win Gatchalian pushes anew for tax exemption on the honoraria, travel allowance, and other benefits granted to poll workers, especially the teachers, officials, and personnel of the Department of Education (DepEd).