
by Win Gatchalian on May, 24, 2021

Higher teaching supplies allowance needed even beyond pandemic

While the Department of Education (DepEd) eyes home-based learning even when the pandemic is over, Senator Win Gatchalian says increasing teaching supplies allowance would give teachers relief on expenses related to distance learning.

by Win Gatchalian on May, 21, 2021

DOE compelled to divulge plans on Malampaya operations

Senator Win Gatchalian compelled the Department of Energy (DOE) to divulge its plans and programs on Malampaya in light of the divestment of its operator Shell Philippines Exploration B.V. (SPEX) and the nearing expiration of Petroleum Service Contract (SC) No. 38 or the Malampaya deep water gas-to-power project to ensure the future of its operations and the continuous supply of energy in the country.

by Win Gatchalian on May, 20, 2021

Include teens in COVID-19 vaccination program

Senator Win Gatchalian hailed the government’s plans to include teenagers in the COVID-19 vaccination program, a move that the lawmaker says would boost the basic education sector’s return to normalcy and the safe reopening of schools.

by Win Gatchalian on May, 19, 2021

LNG infrastructure to replace Malampaya gas field

A landmark energy legislation that will increase the country’s supply of natural gas from liquefied natural gas (LNG) sources and avert possible energy security crisis from happening when operations of the Malampaya gas field project close for good in the near future has been placed for floor debates in the Senate.

by Win Gatchalian on May, 18, 2021

Improved Free Tuition Law implementation raised on Nat’l Higher Education Day

Amidst the nationwide celebration of the first ‘National Higher Education Day,’ Senator Win Gatchalian raised again the need to improve the implementation of the ‘Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act’ (Republic Act 10931) or the Free Tuition Law which will ensure continued education for 1.3 million students.

by Win Gatchalian on May, 17, 2021

Inquiry needed on gaps hounding Filipino Sign Language use for deaf education

While access to learning remains a challenge for learners and teachers with disabilities amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Senator Win Gatchalian is seeking an inquiry on the status of using the Filipino Sign Language (FSL) as the language of instruction of deaf education under the K to 12 basic education system.

by Win Gatchalian on May, 16, 2021

More vaccinations, less infections to boost confidence on safe schools reopening

To help boost public confidence on the resumption of face-to-face classes in low-risk areas, Senator Win Gatchalian said it is crucial to contain the spread of COVID-19 and inoculate more people against the virus.

Economy & Commerce
by Win Gatchalian on May, 15, 2021

Government should push for a job-intensive recovery

Senator Win Gatchalian urged the government to devise ways of providing employment opportunities to millions of Filipinos unemployed, many of whom have been displaced by the imposition of strict quarantine regulations, and pursue retooling programs to prepare them for the job market of the new normal.

by Win Gatchalian on May, 13, 2021

Improved skilling, training programs for youth needed in the post-COVID job market

To help spur the country’s recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and help address jobs-education mismatch, Senator Win Gatchalian is urging the government to improve the implementation of skilling and training programs to prepare the youth in meeting industry standards.